All Episodes

Displaying episodes 31 - 60 of 108 in total

68: Reverb, EQ, Stereo and Other Boozy Q&A

The guys answer questions from around the internet and dish out bite-size opinions masquerading as wisdom

67: Getting the Absolute Most out of Your Guitar Recordings

The guys listen to and talk about Vadim's latest guitar DI signal chain adventures. Some of these tests really surprised us.

66: Dynamics Part 2: How to Use a Compressor (and Why!)

The guys continue their discussion on dynamics - focusing on why you may want to use compression on a source and how to go about setting one up

65: Dynamics Pt 1: What are "Dynamics" and Why Do We Care?

The guys talk about audio dynamics and the common tools used to control them (compressors, expanders, limiters, etc.,) - including why and when we may care about dynamics

64: DI Deep Dive and Shootout

The guys talk about different types of DIs, their different use cases, and why certain DIs may have have a positive effect on your tone....or will they?

63: Tips for Writing Better Lyrics (and Better Songs!)

The guys talk to R&B singer/songwriter Sayana about writing better lyrics, managing song ideas and how to craft songs that connect with people

Bonus: Review of Flare Audio Ear Inserts

The guys talk about their experiences using the Flare Audio Calmer, EARHD 90 and EARHD 360 products.

62: Can You Trust What You're Hearing? (Davies Roberts - Flare Audio)

The guys chat with the founder of Flare Audio about resonances in speakers, headphones and in our actual ears that negatively affect how we perceive sound and music.

61: Back to Basics - The DAW and What Features to Learn Next

The guys go back to the basics and talk about the functionalities common to all Digital Audio Workstations and which ones to focus on learning first to improve your re...

60: The Sound of Different Guitar Brands

The guys play (and discuss) audio samples of the same riff, played through the same signal chain but on different guitar brands. These samples are courtesy of podcast ...

59: Should You DIY Mix Your Next Album? Maybe.

The guys discuss the benefits and pitfalls of mixing your own productions. Also, learn about the legend of the actual frog that was the inspiration behind Vadim's stud...

58: The Guitar Tone Lexicon - Describing What You Hear

The guys talk about how to describe a guitar tone by giving meaning to (and playing examples of) the often vague descriptions we've all scratched our heads about.

57: DIY Building a Studio Computer (Should you? And How)

The guys talk about Ben's recent experience completing a DIY computer build for his studio - including when it's time to upgrade, why you may want to consider DIY and ...

56: The Zen of Troubleshooting (Our Favorite Tips and Tricks)

The guys talk about strategies for troubleshooting recording issues and provide some of their favorite go-to debugging techniques - including pre-recording, during rec...

55: Vocal Production Tips and Tricks (Brandon Tomei)

The guys talk to multi-instrumentalist, producer, podcaster Brandon Tomei about all things related vocal production. Get some tips, tricks and cheats in this one!

54: What Latency is and How to Deal with it

The guys talk about latency: what causes it, why it's problematic, how much is acceptable and how to deal with it in your studio.

53: Writing and Arranging for a Whole Band (Josh Doran)

The guys chat with Josh Doran about arranging music for a band, writing meaningful lyrics, producing demos and then translating those demos into recordings that you ca...

52: Back to Basics: Anatomy of an Interface

The guys explore all of the jacks, knobs, toggles, and switches of the typical audio interface and discuss some common mistakes and misconceptions.

51: Critical Listening - Possibly the Most Critical Producer Skill

The guys talk about one of the most important skills a recording enthusiast can develop: critical listening - and how to develop it and apply it to your own productions

50: Staying Healthy in the Studio (Rusty Osborne)

The guys talk to musician health coach Rusty Osborne about the health risks that creep on musicians and recording enthusiasts and how to treat your body to ensure both...

49: Our Top 5 Recording Myths Busted in 2020

The guys busted several personal recording myths in their studios during 2020. In this episode they talk about their Top 5.

48: What is Phase (and How to Deal With it)

The guys explain the concept of phase in audio and talk about different techniques for checking and fixing phase issues - as well as why (and when) getting phase right...

47: So You Want to Produce Music for a Living?

The guys talk about their experiences running studios and trying to earn a living producing music - including the technical tricks they've picked up as a result.

46: How Loud Should My Songs Be?

The guys talk about the infamous concept of "loudness" - explaining the basics, the history (and deescalation) of the "loudness wars" and what you need to know to make...

45: How to Consistently Finish More Songs and Level Up Your Skills

Vadim talks about why the act of finishing a project is so crucial to leveling up your skills and shows you the SMART goals technique that makes consistently finishing...

44: Comparing Different Mastering Options

The guys do blind testing of three different mastering options: DIY mastering, professional mastering, algorithm mastering to see if they can tell the difference!

43: Math Rock and the Role of the Music Blog (Nikk Hunter - Fecking Bahamas)

Vadim chats with Nikk Hunter of the Fecking Bahamas blog on the evolving role of music blogs and music curation, math rock, how to approach blogs with your music and m...

42: How to Make MIDI Sound Real

The guys discuss strategies for making MIDI-driven virtual instruments sound like the real thing and play examples that go both wonderfully right and horribly wrong.

41: The Different Roles in a Recording Project

The guys discuss the different roles that DIY musicians have to play throughout the course of a recording project. Thinking clearly about these roles and drawing brigh...

40: What You Should Know about Live Streaming (Leonard Patterson)

The guys chat with Leonard Patterson about why live streaming is here to stay and what you need to know to make it an easy (and possibly profitable!) part of your cont...

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